The Imitation Game Review

This movie is totally based on true story of how Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and a team of cryptanalysts at Bletchley Park during World War II struggled to crack the Nazis German Enigma Code, and help the allies win the war.

The Imitation Game Review
The Imitation Game

In 1939 the British Intelligence Agency MI6 Recruits Cambridge mathematician Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) to crack Nazis Enigma which they thought was unbreakable. Turing’s Team including Joan Clarke (Keira Knightley), started analyzing the codes While Turing build a machine to decipher them, and you know what there were 159 million million million combinations and if 10 people try to break the code every minute it will take 20 million years to get all the combinations but this was not the only problem they had with that code, it was changed by the Germans in every 20 hours and that means Alan and his team has only 20 hours a day to break the code.

Turing and team finally succeeded and became heroes and I felt a tremendous joy. Alan Turing, the films central hero, who brings victory to the allies by inventing a revolutionary machine that would give birth to the computer age. Yes you heard it right, But here the circumstances were against Alan Turing the authorities reveal and punished him for involving in homosexual activity, which was criminalized in England at the time and he committed suicide in 1954 which was really heart breaking.

Instead of appreciation and medals, the genius who saved countless lives by shortening the war was given 2 choices either prison or Medication for his homosexuality. Although all the details were kept classified for 50 years, that’s a long time. Even though he was awarded the British Empire for his services in 1945. He was officially pardoned of his offenses, which I don’t think he committed by Queen Elizabeth in 2013.

Here’s a Quote from the movie-

“Sometimes the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine”.

I really want you all to watch this movie I am sure you will love it and let me tell you their is a book written on Alan Turing, here is the link to buy from amazon Click here.

-Sumit Kumar

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